Why does the glass on my wood burning stove turn black?


Our top 5 tips to find the issue

We've all had this issue. You think you have done everything right in your stove yet your stove glass door blackens with soot and dirt, becoming very black and obscures your viewing window.

You have purchased your stove not only for the heat, but to also view the flames and enjoy the ambiance, so this is an unwanted issue.

Blacked glass can be a common problem and it is just not new stove owners who get this problem. Anyone can get this issue, from new stoves owners to seasoned owners. 

So what can be done? Well our latest blog provides you with our top 5 tips to help you find the root of the issue.

Villager wood burning stove
Cautionary Note

Point 1: A cautionary note

The first advisory note is that this post is for Wood Burning stoves, so is specific. We'll blog about multi-fuel stoves in the near future.

The second advisory note is that your stove glass will have some cloudiness or soot, it is to be expected. We are covering the issue when soot or dirt covers the whole viewing area.

Cause 1: Fuel touching the glass

If the glass is becoming black in isolated areas, then it is possible because the logs are touching the glass. Take care when positioning your fuel and ensure it doesn't fall and touch the glass. 

Cause 2: Too much fuel

This is often overlooked as the source of the issue. If you overfill your stove, the flames can actually reach the glass, causing blackening. Check your stove's instructions manual to ensure you are not overfilling it.

Cause 3: Quality of your fuel

Checking your fuel is very important. You should only burn good quality, seasoned firewood. For more information, see our firewood tips blog. Remember that firewood needs to be seasoned and also checked with a moisture meter, otherwise the wood will not burn correctly.

Cause 4: Incorrect use of the Airwash system

The Airwash feature in a wood burning stove is used to keep the glass clean. It works by using specially situated air vents around the stove to draw in cold air. This air is then heated by the fuel and distributed over the glass to keep it clean.  

Each stove will have specific instructions on when and for how long to keep the Airwash open and by how much. If you keep if fully closed, then the glass will blacken, so check your manual and ensure you use it correctly.

Cause 5: The draw of your chimney

If you are sure you have used the Airwash system correctly on your stove and check the instructions, then the issue may be with the draw of your chimney. Poor draw means the chimney does not draw air from your stove up the chimney fast enough. If you think the draw is poor, then consult an expert.

A final word

If your stove's glass is becoming dirty and blackened, then we hope this blog will help you to find the root cause of the issue.

We'd love to hear feedback from you either on our blog site or through any one of our social media; Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You may even have some more tips you could share!