As the range of Broseley stoves continue to grow you will be relieved to learn that Broseley stove spare parts are also readily available online today. These take in all of the different Broseley stoves including the Hereford, Phoenix, Serrano, Winchester, York Midi, York Grande, Evolution and the Hillendale. In years gone by finding replacement parts for your Broseley stove could prove time-consuming but the Internet now allows you to peruse at your leisure whatever time of day or night.
We now have everything from replacement glass to replacement stove legs, from baffle plates to riddling grates not to mention fire bricks and any other spare part you are after. There may be some variation in the spare parts required for different machines but we have access to all Broseley spare parts. We also have years of experience dealing with brands such as Broseley. Therefore if you have any concerns or queries regarding a particular spare part, or how best to maintain your stove, please feel free to give us a call or send us an email.
While the general body of any Broseley stove is certainly built to last, general wear and tear on specific parts can impact the efficiency of your stove. We therefore strongly recommend monitoring the efficiency of your stove and where you see wear and tear on a particular part you should consider replacing it. It may seem financially efficient to hold off as long as possible but in the meantime the general efficiency of your stove is likely being impacted and you’re not getting full value for money. When you consider your initial investment in a Broseley stove it may just be a relatively cheap replacement part which is required to bring it back to the high standard of efficiency we expect today.
There are many simple parts which can impact the efficiency of your stove including the various seals which help to retain the heat so that it is dispersed in the correct manner. Rope seal for Broseley stoves is just a few pounds and even this simple replacement can yield an immediate improvement. There are some parts of a traditional modern day stove which require replacement while others will last the full life of the stove body. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us as we can advise you about potential issues for individual stoves.
Here at Bowland Stoves we are always in contact with companies such as Broseley to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and the latest in their expanding range of stoves. If you are looking for a Broseley stove or perhaps you have one you would like to replace with a more modern version we can assist you with some very competitive prices. We can also offer a range of package deals with different types of fuel so you can immediately enjoy the benefits of a wood-burning or multifuel stove. Remember, even if you have any questions we cannot immediately answer we have a range of experts at our disposal and will come back to you as soon as possible with the answer.