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Classic 8 Gas Stove



Colour Option
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Control Option

Product Description

In truth there is always been strong demand for gas stoves such as the Gallery Classic Conventional Flue Gas Stove. Unfortunately mains gas is not available to everybody although there are now options. As well as mains gas many people are now looking at LPG bottle gas. This has prompted more people to bust a question, what exactly do you get the gas stove?

Well, quick glimpse at the image of the Gallery Classic Conventional Flue Gas Stove will show you exactly what you get. You would be forgiven for mistaking the Gallery Classic Conventional Flue Gas Stove for traditional wood-burning stove. The design is the same, long bed is extremely realistic and the flames, they will mesmerise you as any wood-burning stove would do. The traditional design is the same and the matt black finish is quite literally the icing on the cake.

This particular model offers 5 kW heat output and has dimensions of width 542 mm, height 660 mm with a depth of range and 67 mm. The Gallery Classic Conventional Flue Gas Stove only has a top exit flue outlet. Interestingly, this particular model also comes with its own remote control which means you don't even have to get off your chair change the settings. The fact that it is a cast-off means a significant reduction in maintenance and less mess. You won't miss the winter trips outside for the logs, simply flick a switch and your gas stove is up and running.

This particular model has a conventional flue although some gas stoves are available with a balanced flue. It is important to get the right cast-off for your situation, your budget and your requirements. So, please feel free to call us, email or use the messaging system and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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