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Broseley Beacon Large Inset Electric Stove




Product Description

As there has been growing demand for wood-burning/multifuel inset stoves, the same can be said for inset electric stoves/electric fires. The Broseley Beacon Large Inset Electric Stove is an extremely stylish stove which looks and feels like a modern day traditional stove. However, while the body looks as though it is made of steel, this is actually made of timber with a matt black paint finish. The use of timber ensures the stove is stylish, lightweight and very easy to move. The panoramic viewing panel ensures you can watch the flickering flames and the burning embers from all sides. What a beautiful sight!

There is no doubt that demand for electric stoves has grown significantly in recent times. The regulations covering wood-burning and multifuel stoves have been tightened. In many ways this has prompted increased interest in alternative solutions. This machine is capable of producing up to 2 kW of heat, more than enough to take the chill off a small to medium sized room. The thermostat controls allow you to control the flames via various settings. The seven day programmable thermostatic remote control is also extremely useful and easy to use. The metal handle, hinges and fret add to the look and feel of the stove. You'd never have guessed it was an electric stove.

The dimensions of the Broseley Beacon Large Inset Electric Stove come in at width 586 mm, height 599 mm, depth 232 mm. The inset width is 358 mm, inset height 534 mm with an inset depth of 45 mm - a snug fit. Quite how Broseley managed to create a range of electric stoves which look like wood/multifuel stoves, is amazing. The ability to read the market, produce groundbreaking products and fulfil consumer demand, quite simply a match made in heaven. So, if you are looking for an inset electric stove/electric fire we strongly recommend looking at the Broseley range - in particular the Broseley Beacon Large Inset Electric Stove. You won't be disappointed!

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