Think you can’t afford a wood burner? Then think again…

Do I need a register plate for my stove?

As the popularity of wood burning stoves is still increasing, more and more people want one in their home. But you may think you can’t afford one… and that’s why we are writing this blog to give a few tips on getting a stove on a budget.

The starting costs of installation is the biggest obstacle to overcome. But once you have taken that leap, from then on you will save money on your heating bills.

As I am sure you have already done, the internet can provide you with some scary figures that may have put the idea you cannot afford into your head. That’s why we are going to list a few helpful tips that could cut the costs dramatically.

Budget on the Wood Burner

If you are like the rest of the world and think you must buy an expensive stove for it to be long lasting and reliable then think again. This is one of the easiest places to cut your costs. There are a few stove options available for under £500 rather than that 4-digit figure you have seen originally. The Firefox 5 sells for £480 or the Hamlet Hardy 5 is only £423. Both beautiful yet price effective stoves. If the budget can stretch slightly further then the Broseley Monterrey 5 is £635 or the Broseley Silverdale is £532, both still cheap stoves for what you are getting from them.


Now we are going to look at the long-term savings in terms of your heating bills. Find out what you have paid out for heating over the last 12 months and I bet this will give you a shock. The initial lump sum of money for a stove can seem a bit pricy but over a long period of time this could save you between £50-£100 on your monthly direct debits. This is a saving not to be ignored.


In many cases, the cost of installation is more than the stove itself. The best way to gage how much it is going to cost and make sure you are not getting ripped off is to get a few quotes for the job. However, the cheapest is not always the best, make sure all the work men as competent and registered.


Now many people are only thinking of getting a stove when the cold weather hits hence engineers and retailers are a lot quieter during the summer months. This means you are more likely to be able to negotiate and grab yourself a bargain.

Read one of our previous blog posts for more reasons to get a stove installed in summer.