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Arada Farringdon Large Eco Multifuel Stove



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Wooden Safety Handle

Product Description

The brand new Arada Farringdon Large is the biggest stove in the Farringdon range. With a massive nominal heat output of 10.6kW and a range heat output of 3kw to 12kw this stove is more than capable of heating a large living area and creating a calming atmosphere after a stressful day at work. This stove has the simplistic beauty that will suit being installed in a modern new build or due to the simplicity it could easily be suited to a more traditional home. Now the aesthetics may be the first thing you look at but you need to know what's on the inside. This stove has the marvelous Airwash system that will keep that large viewing clean and clear so you can continue to enjoy the dancing flames. Not only will having a woodburning stove save you money on the heating bills but it will also save you money on the electricity bills as you will no longer need the TV on because you will not be able to take your eyes off the flames.

Lifetime guarantee
DEFRA approved
Clean burning, already meeting 2022 European Eco Design regulations
Stainless steel ash pan and baffle
Interchangeable top and rear 127mm (5") or 150mm (6") flue outlet as standard
Direct air compatible
Rear heat shield to allow closer positioning to combustibles
Airwash system for sparkling clean glass
Externally controlled riddling grate from either side

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