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Broseley York Midi Electric Stove Fire



Door Options

Product Description

It is amazing how you can enjoy the beauty of a Broseley York Midi stove fire without having the hassle of collection fuel and then refueling your fire. All you need to do is use the thermostatic control and turn the heat on to make your room nice and warm. The York Midi is one of the more popular models in the Broseley range. This is because it can fit into a modern or traditional room and create the perfect focal point. The heat from this stove will create a relaxing and calming atmosphere which makes your whole home feel a lot more welcoming to not only you and your family but to any visitors that may enter your home. It can transform just any old house into a family home. There any different options that you can choose to make this stove very personal, for example the different door designs. The different designs could create a whole new look in your room. If you are looking for a stove that is aesthetically beautiful and has wonderful technology then look no further than the Broseley York Midi.

Comes with Remote Control and Lattice Door

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