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Broseley Serrano 3 Electric Stove Fire




Product Description

Broseley have now started to produce all their classic stoves in electric. So if you don't have the room to facilitate a wood burning stove you can still enjoy the look of having one. There is nothing more relaxing and comforting than coming home and just switching the warmth on using the thermostatic control. You have all the control over what heat enters your room. With its sleek design, rounded lines and single door this stove is very suitable for fitting into the smallest spaces. For instance, if you have a small sized room and think you can't enjoy the luxury of having a stove then the Broseley Serrano 3 Electric Stove Fire is probably the perfect stove for you. It has a heat output of 2kW so taking into consideration this and its size it is more suited to a smaller sized room.

Remote Control Included

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