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Broseley Hereford Inset Electric Stove




Product Description

Broseley Hereford Electric Inset Stove

The modern-day electric inset stove is so different to those of bygone years that it is like comparing apples and pears. The Broseley Hereford Electric Inset Stove is a perfect illustration of the way in which the technology and the look of a modern day electric stove has changed dramatically. The fact that this stove is an inset model ensures that it slots in with minimal effort. While the heat output is a relatively low 1 kW up to 2 kW it is more than enough to take the chill off and change the look and feel of any room. The fact that no chimney or fireplace is required is also a great attraction for many people.

The dimensions of the Broseley Hereford Electric Inset Stove are as follows, overall width 486 mm, height 587 mm with a depth of 237 mm. The inset section has a width of 330 mm, height of 500 mm with a depth of 66 mm. This is a steel construction with a cast iron door which comes with a realistic coal effect fuel bed that allows you to enjoy the flickering flames as you drift off to sleep. The Broseley Hereford Electric Inset Stove is made in the UK and comes with a thermostatic control for effortless operation. It is stoves such as the Broseley Hereford Electric Inset Stove which highlight the massive improvements in technology and look of the modern day electric stove. Long may this continue!

Product Number HEREINSET

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