Recent survey highlights shortcomings in stove industry

Wood burning stove

A recent survey covering the stove industry has uncovered a number of issues which consumers would appear to experience on a regular basis. The survey took in 1500 stove owners and came up with some interesting facts which we will cover in detail.

How to use your stove

A staggering 25% of stove owners were not issued with any guidance about using their stoves upon purchase. This can have a significant impact upon safety, efficiency and value for money going forward. Here at Bowland Stoves we take our responsibilities extremely seriously and issue guidance on all equipment sold.

Using the correct fuel

This is concerning with a third of those questioned not advised of the best fuels to use for their stove. It would also appear that 43% were not even advised of the fuel types they should avoid thereby placing themselves in potential danger. We have numerous blog posts and are available for guidance at any time – we also regularly publish informative posts on our social media channels.

Stove heat output

It is essential that you pick the right stove for your environment, room size and heat requirements. The survey also suggested that around 33% of those questioned were not advised about the correct stove size to use for their rooms. This is a little confusing, as how would they know which type of stove to select unless they were advised by some party?

We have a simple room size table which indicates the heat output required for different sized rooms.

What might cause my wood-burning stove to crack?

Online stove purchases

While we have a specific page which covers different stove output for different environments, it appears that of those who acquired stoves online (through other companies) only 43% receive the correct information. When buying face-to-face in a store this figure increased to 71%.

We very rarely have customers who acquire a stove online, unless there have been in contact with us before. As a company, we prefer to speak with customers regarding their stove choices, whether they are suitable for their environment and perhaps whether there may be a more appropriate stove available.

Using your stove correctly

There are a number of issues to take into consideration when using your stove which can both save you money in the long-term and extend the life of your machine. These include:-

•    Maintaining fuel at optimum temperatures for maximum efficiency
•    This also ensures that smoke and gases are removed via the flue/chimney
•    Use a thermometer to measure gas temperatures and maintain maximum efficiency
•    Use air events correctly to maximise draw and control the fire

Using the correct stove fuel

Using incorrect fuel can have a major impact upon the efficiency of your stove and often lead to the replacement of various parts on a regular basis. When using choosing a fuel for your stove you should ensure that:-

•    The wood fuel moisture reading is a maximum of 20%
•    Smokeless fuels have a sulphur content of less than 2%
•    Avoid burning “rubbish”
•    Avoid treated wood which can release toxic fumes

Many people often complain about soot build-up within their stove and the viewing area may well be clouded. The majority of times this is because of either using the wrong fuel or using wood with a moisture reading of more than 20%. Using “wet wood” will release what can best be described as a sticky tar-like material which can cause issues with your stove as well as flue blockages and chimney/flue fires. You may think you are saving money using alternative fuels but they are dangerous and can impact the efficiency of your machine!

ACR Rowandale Review

Stove installations

While legally you do not need to have your stove installed by a HETAS qualified engineer it is highly advisable to do so. If you are competent, or you have a friend or family member, at installing stoves and flues then you can contact the building regulations section of your local authority to sign off your stove after installation. Unfortunately, there are still some stoves which are installed by unqualified personnel and unfortunately not signed off. There have been situations where dangerous installations have led to the release of poisonous gases, widespread fires and other issues. We all have our car MOTs checked by the garage, so quite why people choose not to have their stoves installed by qualified personnel is a mystery to some.

When we sell a stove, where possible we offer the installation services of one of our members of staff or a reputable third-party we have dealt with in the past. We take our responsibilities extremely seriously when it comes to the safe installation of stoves and we recommend that all consumers do as well. The idea that it will “never happen to you” is flawed and potentially dangerous – stoves installed by a HETAS qualified engineer will ensure that you sleep well at night!

Extending the life of your stove

You should check your stove on a regular basis for cracks and breakages on the inside and the outside. For example, a cracked firebrick will mean that an element of the heat created within the combustion chamber escapes in an uncontrolled manner. Firebricks are extremely cheap to buy and very simple to fit. There may also be other simple issues such as a broken seal on the stove door, again allowing heat to escape in an uncontrolled manner, and this is literally just a few pounds to fix.

This also takes us onto the subject of chimney sweeps which are recommended at least once a year to ensure no buildup of tar or leakage through the outer area. Something as simple as a buildup of soot or tar on the side of the chimney can have a significant impact on the natural draw thereby impacting efficiency and creating potential health issues.

Read the stove manufacturers leaflet

The survey suggests that the vast majority of consumers were not directly made aware of how to use their stove, the correct fuel and maintenance issues. However, each stove comes with a manufacturers guide to getting the best out of the machine and ensuring that it is operated in a safe manner. While maintenance is often taken for granted, and ignored by many people, the replacement of a broken firebrick for example can significantly increase efficiency. As with any repairs required, whether stoves or cars for example, the longer you leave it the greater the potential for a knock-on effect. This may at best increase the cost of repairs and at worst ruin your machine.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the use and maintenance of your stove, or indeed the right fuels to use, please feel free to call us or email us at any time.

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