Installing a stove in your home office

Advise for all home workers

Are you one of the lucky people who work from home? Or maybe you are considering working from home and setting up a home office?

Well, if you are, then a wood burning stove or multi-fuel stove could be an amazing addition to help heat your home office all day (or night!). According to the TUC, the figure for people working at home has risen in the last 10 years by a fifth. The official figure is 1.5 million home workers! Home working is becoming more popular and employers are recognizing the benefits. So if you are considering or are already working at home and would like a stove, then you need to think carefully about its location.

Where do you plan on installing your stove?

This sounds a silly question, but remember that home offices can be set up in numerous different ways.

You may simply have dedicated a bedroom in your house or you may have converted your garage or you may have a log cabin/garden building. This is essential and the remainder of the blog will explain the necessary considerations for each of the options.

Home worker stove

Utilizing an existing room in your home

If you are using a room inside your home already, then you have to consider the size and layout. Most home workers will sacrifice a spare bedroom or other room within their home to become their office. It is the simplest method and enables you to separate home life from work life by closing the door at the end of the day.

If this is your plan, then you need to treat the installation as any normal installation within your home. We have various blogs about installation of stove which include building regulations. Simply browse our slider to right of this text to view blogs related to installing stoves and building regulations.

The Garden Building

This solution requires a little more thought and planning than a normal home room installation.

Working from home

Point 1: Building type

The floor has to be strong enough to support a stove and its hearth. This is essential. The size and type of hearth is also specific to the stove used, so different options are always available.

Point 2: Flue 

The building must have a roof which can have a hole for the flue.

Point 3: Roof products

The roof and ceiling products must be suitably finished and protected against fire and heat damage.

Point 4: Roof height

Depending on the type of roof, your chimney or flue has to rise a certain distance from the roof. This is controlled by building regulations.

The solution

Whatever option you choose for your home office, remember that a stove will be a reliable source of heat and provide you with an amazing work environment.

At Bowland Stoves, we have lots of amazing stoves, from small to large stoves. Our stove range is from 4K to 10+kw.

In addition, we have a team of qualifed HETAS installers who can help you set up your home office stove as well as all the necessary flues, hearths and spare parts.

Example of a simple stove for home workers