Choosing a stove to fit your decor

Hwam Stove

In years gone by there was very little in the way of choice in the UK stove market, it was literally traditional wood-burning stoves or nothing at all. Over the last 20 years or so the situation has changed dramatically and not only do we have an array of wood-burning and multifuel stoves but there are traditional and contemporary stoves as far as the eye can see. So, whatever type of decor, whatever style of room, there will be a stove for you.

Traditional stoves

While many contemporary styles come and go, the traditional wood-burning and multifuel stove continues to sell consistently. The beauty is that traditional stoves can fit in with a traditional decor or something a little more contemporary. The traditional stove slides in perfectly with traditional decor and with contemporary decor it can tone down the “brightness”. Stovax have an extremely attractive range of traditional stoves including the Dovre range amongst others. However, do not assume that a traditional stove does not include the latest stove technology under the lid!

Dovre Stove
Dovre Stove

Contemporary stoves

There are more than enough contemporary stoves to choose from today with the likes of Morso and Hwam offering some exceptional products. We now have freestanding contemporary stoves or if you prefer an inset there are some very good options there as well. The more popular contemporary stoves seem to be the freestanding models, many of which have glass at both the front and the sides. This allows you to see the flickering flames and the burning embers wherever you may be in your room. It is also surprising how much light some of the contemporary stoves can give out!

Hwam Stove
Hwam Stove

Wood-burning stoves

There is something about a wood-burning stove, the look, the type of heat and the romance associated with a warm room in the depths of winter. Even though the vast majority of wood-burning stoves today are also available in multifuel style it is still the wood-burning stove which catches the imagination of consumers. Those who have a traditional wood-burning stove will tell you there is nothing to beat the heat that they can pump out. Even though multifuel stoves are becoming more popular there is just something about a wood-burning stove and the vibe it gives off.

Multifuel stoves

The multifuel stove market has grown dramatically over the last decade or so and as we touched on above, many of the more popular wood-burning stove models have now been recreated in multifuel. The selection of different fuels available today means that you will never be short of something to burn on your stove although it is vital that you only burn good-quality fuel. In simple terms, the poorer the quality of the fuel you put into your stove the poorer the output and it can also result in excessive tar and smoking.


If you’re not sure whether to buy a traditional or contemporary stove, wood-burning or multifuel, please feel free to give us a call as we can discuss the various options with you. At first glance there seem to be too many stoves to choose from but once you clarify your heat requirement, preferred style and budget this will give you a more compact and relevant list to choose from.