The Silent Killer !

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a very dangerous and poisonous gas that can be produced from burning fuels in an incorrect way. Gas, oil, solid mineral fuel and biomass all could possibly give out Carbon Monoxide. This gas can't be seen, smelt or tasted which makes it difficult to identify.

The Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

The early symptoms are usually the common illnesses e.g. upset stomach, tiredness and flu.
The common symptoms are:

Nausea and/or vomiting
Chest and/or stomach pains
Erratic behaviour and/or visual problems

Actions to take in a Carbon Monoxide Emergency

You should have a carbon monoxide alarm and if any fumes are escaping then this alarm should go off.
If you appliance is automatically fed with fuel, turn it off.
Open windows and doors to circulate the air in the building.
Leave the building and don't go back in until the appliance has gone out and the air is clear.
If you have any symptoms previously mentioned visit your doctor, call NHS direct on 111 or if urgent call an ambulance and tell them your symptoms may be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning.
Before you use the appliance again have it serviced and the chimney swept by a HETAS registered installer or an approved chimney sweep.
Don't use the appliance until it has been serviced and they have told you, you can use it.

Protect yourself from Carbon Monoxide

Make sure it is serviced regularly by a HETAS registered installer.
Have your chimney swept regularly by an HETAS approved chimney sweep.
Make sure the installation meets the requirements of the Building Regulations.
Fit a Carbon Monoxide alarm and make sure it is tested frequently.