What does an Airwash System do?

Airwash System

What does an Airwash System do?

When you think of the Airwash system, I bet advanced technology springs to mind but believe me it is more straightforward than you think. Once you get to grips with it you will wonder why it is a relatively new thing being added to wood burning stoves.

The Airwash system in a stove uses an air flow that is constantly brushing over the glass door which causes any dirt and excess ash to be washed away. Leaving you with a stunning view of your roaring fire. As this air flow is constant, it keeps the flames and gases under control. This prevents the build up of tar which is the main thing that blackens your glass and spoils your view.

So as previously mentioned an Airwash system is not at the top of the list for the most inventive technology. But nevertheless it is a very useful and effective thing to have in your stove. One of the main reasons why people buy a wood burning stove is because of that feeling you get from lighting a real fire. You don’t then want to spend your time cleaning the glass door constantly. This is where the Airwash system comes in. Saving you time and money on expensive glass cleaners.

In summary, here are some of the main benefits to buying a stove with an Airwash system:

• No need to waste your time cleaning the glass when you can be enjoying the atmosphere a real fire is creating.
• Avoid that nasty look of a black glass door.
• The best one – always have a clear unspoilt view of your calming fire.

Here are a few of our stoves that have the Airwash System:

Arada Farringdon Large
ACR Trinity 1
Hamlet Solution 5