Stovax Spare Parts
Winter is quickly approaching and you definitely don’t want to be without your stove when the nights draw in. Now is the time to give your stove a winter check and see if any of the spare parts need replacing to get the best out of it during the cold winter months. You may automatically think that when your stove stops working you need to buy a new one but make sure you check all parts because it may just be a case of replacing a side brick or baffle plate. Doing this could save you thousands of pounds. We try and supply all the spare parts for all the major stove brands we sell; this includes the Stovax and Yeoman range.
The History
Stovax Ltd started out in 1981 just designed, manufacturing and distributing wood burning stoves and all the accessories to go with it. Shortly after in 1988, Stovax opened a sister company called, Gazco Ltd. This was created to produce and manufacture gas versions of the stoves. Many years down the line, Stovax decided to purchase Yeoman which was already a well-established stove manufacturer. This range of stoves was added to the Stovax range but still used Yeoman as a company name. The Yeoman stoves are more rustic and rural in design and styling. Up until now and many years to come, these three companies work together to manufacture stoves with you in mind.
Look after your stove!
Your Stovax stove is probably the centre of your home life so make sure you look after it. The first thing to do before buying spare parts for it, is to make sure you know what model it is as parts can differ from model to model. Sometimes it can be easy to determine what part you need and in that case just visit our website and add to basket! But if you are having difficulty then the first thing to do is find the list of spare parts that are for your model of stove. Each spare part has a relevant picture so you can compare and find the part you need. If you are still struggling then give us a call and we will be able to help or can ask for advice from the brand itself. You could even bring the spare part you need to replace into our showroom where we can determine the part you need in person.
So while doing your winter check you find you need to replace a part, find it and order online or over the phone to receive the delivery in 7 – 10 days at an affordable price. You could have you stove back up and running efficiently within a maximum of two weeks depending on the waiting time from the brand itself.