Morso 6100 series

Morso as a company has had many years of experience in the stove industry so they are sure to know what the customer looks for in regards to aesthetics and technology. They are the most well-known and popular stove brand which drives them to keep their range up to date so the customer can get the most out of the stove. To make their stoves they use the highest quality cast iron so the customer knows that when they buy a Morso stove they are going to have it for life.


The Morso 6140 Woodburner Stove is again something that is a little different from the traditional Morso range of woodburning and briquette burning stoves. This particular model is cylinder like in shape, offers a very focal and a very eye-catching woodburning area and the creation of preheated air fuelled flames are certain to catch the attention of passersby. As with vast majority of Morso Stoves on sale today, the Morso 6140 Stove uses the latest combustion technology to ensure that the vast majority of gases are burned within the system thereby ensuring a high level of environmental friendliness.


The Morso 6148 Woodburning Stove is another of the new look Morso stove range to take in their latest combustion technology as well as offering something of a minimalist look which is very eye-catching. Like a small number in the existing Morso stove range this particular model comes on a pedestal with the large clear glass window in the front drawing your eyes to the flickering flames and the burning embers. This particular model again manages to keep a minimalist traditionalist look while integrating the latest combustion, airflow and airwash technology.


The Morso 6141 is part of the popular 6100 series. This stove is just a variation of the 6140. It will bring style and elegance to any room that it is put in. It has a maximum heat output of 6kW which makes it perfect for small to medium sized rooms. The cast iron legs give the stove a stylish feel and will create the perfect centre piece in your room. It also has the added feature of the log store underneath the flames.


The brand new Morso 6143 is sure to bring contemporary styling and technology and elegance to any room in your home. With its large glass door and elegant oval column, it is the perfect design for those that want a stylish stove. Within the style and elegance of the outside, it has the most modern combustion technology which will make sure you get the most out of the fuel you are using. If you want a small storage area for your wood, then this stove is available with a log store underneath.