Broseley Evolution Stoves

Broseley Evolution stoves are made to a very high standard to meet the requirements of their customers, as well as meet required European standards for stoves. Broseley have years of experience with all kinds of stoves, including woodburning stoves, which are pre-tested and quality checked to make sure they are good to go before being shipped to customers.

Types of Broseley Evolution Stoves

Some of the types of stoves made by Broseley include Boiler, electric, gas, multi-fuel and woodburning. The stoves have energy saving components that include appliances that are suitable for burning in Smoke Free Zones, as well as those that have the ability to control their fire and flames via a thermostat and by remote control.

The UK has established a process called the Safety Cold Water System for woodburining stoves that allows some of the Broseley stoves to work via a heating system that is sealed and not vented like some of the old-fashioned woodburning stoves.

Here is some information on the different models of he most popular Broseley Evolution Stoves available:

The Evolution 4 Cast Iron Woodburning Inset Stove
This version of the Broseley Evolution range uses a fashionable design combined with modern technology and it is manufactired from Cast Iron. It has a heat output of 4 kw and is complete with Clean Burn technology, as well as an airwash system that causes a special buffer to allow a clear flame view through the glass that is between the fire box and the glass window. It is also DEFRA approved and has an efficiency of 75.5 percent.

The Evolution 5 Cast Iron Wood Burning Stove.
This version has a traditional stove design mixed with modern technology and a Cast Iron body. It is a bit stronger than the previous model, putting out 5 kw of heat. It still has all the same features of Clean Burn technology, Airwash system, DEFRA approved. However, it has a higher efficiency of 85.5 percent.

The Deluxe Evolution 5 Cast Iron Wood Burning Stove.
This version of the Broseley mixes modern-day design and technology with a elegant black top made of Heat Resistant Glass, as well as detailed front glass with a choice of finishes and a large viewing window. It has all the same features as the others with DEFRA approved, Airwash, grate, ashpan and top flue. It puts out 4 kw and has 85.5 percent efficiency.

The Evolution 5 Woodburning Stove with Log Storage
This stove has a modern design and stove technology and puts out 5 kw with 85.5 percent efficiency. You can store logs underneath for easy access. It has the usual DEFRA approval, Airwash, viewing window, grate, ashpan.

The Evolution 7 Cast Iron Inset Woodburning Stove
This stove integrates present-day design and up-to-date technology and has the highest heat output of the range with 7 kw of heat output. It is suitable for a larger room and has the usual features of being DEFRA approval, Airwash, single air control, and has a top flue outlet.

So, if you would like a contemporary modern stove, which is one of the most efficient stoves on the market why not buy a Broseley Evolution Woodburning Stove.