Why is the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove so popular?

ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove

It is fair to say that over the last few years there has been a significant increase in the popularity of inset stoves which offer the same attractions as stand-alone stoves. The fact that they are literally inset flush against your wall would appear to be one of the major selling points. This ensures that the stove does not protrude into your room and is perfect for those areas where there is limited floor space. In some ways inset stoves can be more attractive than standalone versions but this is purely down to personal preference.

What should you expect from the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove?

It is fair to say that the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove is extremely easy on the eye and while it may be built into your wall, you know it is in the room and it will certainly be a conversation starter. The flawless steel construction perfectly illustrates the reputation which ACR Stoves has built up over the years; the company is renowned for offering quality, durability and excellent value for money. The fact that the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove is DEFRA approved ensures that you can burn wood in smoke controlled areas. As regulations tighten with regards to the environment and the use of stoves, DEFRA approval is now something many stove enthusiasts will look for when checking out a new model.

Technical aspects of the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove

As the name suggest, the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove is a 5 kW machine offering heat output of between 3 kW and 7 kW with an 82.9% efficiency rating. The machine weighs 75 kg with dimensions of height 550 mm, width 550 mm and a depth of 334 mm. The flue size is 125 mm (5 inches) and it is capable of heating rooms with a capacity of up to 70 m. One interesting aspect of the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove is the choice of three or four sided facias which are available in different styles and colours. For those looking to integrate their inset stove with the current decor in their room, this is just perfect.

ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove
The ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove takes up minimal wall and floor space.


The wider firebox on the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove ensures an expanded viewing area which is always clean from dirt and sooty deposits; due to the powerful airwash system. Again, powerful airwash systems are now an integral part of the stove industry and indeed many customers will assume they are available as standard. The expanded viewing area and the glass cleaning system create the perfect atmosphere where you can sit back and watch the flickering flames and the burning embers while you drift off to sleep.

Growing demand for inset stoves

We strongly believe that the next few years will see a significant rise in demand for inset stoves which use up minimal floor space and are actually installed flush against your wall. While there are obvious limitations when inserting the stove into your wall, this has not stopped some of the more adventurous stove companies. You will see there are now different shaped and different sized inset stoves available with a range of heat output to cover any room. From contemporary to traditional, small and compact to large and attention grabbing, the growing stove inset market offers something for everyone.

Help and assistance

We appreciate that for many people inset stoves may be something of a new addition to the mix. If you have any questions, queries or would like to confirm any technical aspects of installing and using a machine such as the ACR Tenbury T550 5KW inset stove please feel free to call us. Many people will be surprised to learn that the installation process is extremely simple and these machines are extremely safe. They have passed the same health and safety tests that stand-alone stoves adhere to. However, they do not take up any floor space and do not protrude from your wall. This must be a win-win for those with limited capacity in their room?