The new ACR Buxton woodburning stove has an array of features which will certainly go down well with woodburning stove enthusiasts. The stove itself has a 7 kW output although in many ways it is the look and feel of this model which makes it stand out from the rest. The Buxton stove offers a traditional look but it is the enlarged glass viewing area which catches your eye immediately. This offers the perfect environment to watch the flickering flames and the burning embers as you drift off to sleep on a cold winter's night.

Thankfully, like so many quality woodburning stoves of today, this particular model is DEFRA approved and you can also transform it into a Buxton multifuel stove with a simple multifuel appliance. The external riddling grate, adjustable guard and the very useful airwash system (which ensures that the glass panel remains clear at all times) are just some of the additions which make this particular model even more attractive. The Buxton woodburning stove has dimensions of height 596 mm, width 509 mm with a depth of 363 mm. There are also a number of options such as a black handle as opposed to the standard brushed steel door handle although at this moment in time it is only available in a matt black finish.

The ACR Buxton stove is traditional in look, offers the latest in technology and is the perfect woodburning stove to take away the chill on those cold winter nights.