Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire

Stovax Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire

Many people automatically switch off when they hear the term “electric fire” because the stereotypical electric fire of 20 or 30 years ago is still in the minds of consumers. The Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire could not be any more different from these stereotypical electric fires of years gone by which were nothing to look at, often produced minimal heat and had safety issues. That is not to say that electric fires are for everybody but when you compare the Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire with the fires of years gone by, there is literally no comparison.

Gazco Studio Inset range

The Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire is the smallest in the Gazco Studio Inset range which consists of the inset 80, inset 105 and inset 150 electric fires. However, do not underestimate the look and feel which this model brings to any room. The inset range is a frameless design which creates a “contemporary and minimalist look” while creating a centrepiece to any room. The fire itself is installed flush with the wall ensuring that no further space is taken up in your room. This is your chance to lay back, kick off those shoes and enjoy the flickering frames of the Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire.

What do you get with a Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire?

Well, while many people may not have heard of Gazco this is a company which has experience in the electric fire market which no other UK company can compete with. The technology associated with the modern-day electric fire is a mystery to many people but this has taken years of development. As we touched on above, the Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire is the smaller of the Gazco Studio Inset range however it still offers the same heat output of between 1 kW and 2 kW as the larger models.

In many ways the “small” size of the Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire has enhanced the market because quite literally it can go in any small to medium-size room. As soon as the electric fire is installed it will become the centrepiece of your room and a conversation starter. This model is extremely efficient with an efficiency rating of 99%. They also come with the now standard remote control which allows you to adjust the heat settings as well as the variable LED flame brightness settings. This means quite literally you can create any atmosphere and ambience in your room at the touch of a button. Many people don’t realise that you can also enjoy the flickering flames of the Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire with the heat on or off.

Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire
Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire

Electric fires

While multifuel and woodburning stoves will always grab the headlines over electric fires there is certainly an increasing demand for these products. While the heat output of between 1 kW and 2 kW will take the chill off any room it is more what the product brings in style and beauty. Slowly but surely consumers are starting to realise there is more to the modern-day electric fire than those of years gone by. Have you seen a Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire working in a showroom? We strongly recommend taking any opportunity to see the Gazco Studio Inset 80 Electric Fire in its full glory and we believe you will be pleasantly surprised.