The beauty of a log effect gas fire

The beauty of a log effect gas fire

There has been a growing trend over the last few years as more people switch onto the gas fire market which has changed dramatically. Whether you are looking for an inset gas fire, chair fireplace gas fire or the stand-alone gas fires which are available today, there is something for every occasion and every room. So, what do you get with a modern day log effect gas fire?


At first glance log effect gas fires can look very similar to log effect electric fires which are in themselves proving to be very popular. The main difference is the heat output which is minimal with electric fires but can be anywhere up to 7 kW plus with a log effect gas fire. So, not only do you get the look and feel of a log effect fire, with the flickering flames and burning embers, your room is actually heated. Even the relatively small gas fires create enough heat to take the chill off any room.

The beauty of a log effect gas fire
The beauty of a log effect gas fire


Whether you’re looking at a wood-burning stove, multifuel stove, electric fire or gas fire, they all bring a certain ambience to a room. Even just the sight of the flickering flames and burning embers, whether real or not, bring a relaxing calming atmosphere to a room. So, whether you are planning a night in with a loved one or perhaps you are looking for some peace and quiet after a hard day at work, this relaxing, calming atmosphere is just what the doctor ordered.

Instant reaction

In a perfect world the vast majority of consumers would prefer a wood-burning stove or a multifuel stove but sometimes they can take a while to get stoked up. That is not to say that the end result is not worth waiting for, because it most certainly is, but when you come home from work, you are tired and ready to relax, you will have to wait a short while until your stove kicks in. The situation with a gas fire is obviously very different because you simply flick the switch, adjust the setting to your liking, sit back and you can enjoy the heat and the atmosphere that is created.

Remote control

It is a reflection of the modern era that the vast majority of electronic applications now come with their own remote control. Many of the modern day gas fires also allow you to set an ignition time so that the fire is burning brightly as you enter the door. If you are relaxing on the sofa, feet up and shoes was off, the introduction of a remote control means you quite literally don’t need to move a muscle to have full control over your gas fire.

The beauty of a log effect gas fire
The beauty of a log effect gas fire

Varying styles

While you would probably expect an array of different outer frames to be available, different colours and different styles, there are also glass fronted and open gas fires available. In all honesty, if we had a choice between a glass fronted and an open gas fire we would need to go for the open model. Even though it is less efficient, because it is open to the elements, there is something about an open fire, the atmosphere and the relaxing glow. Even though both types are log effect gas fires they are certainly a good replacement for the real thing!

Different fuel beds

While the traditional fuel bed takes in the log effect style you can also look towards coloured glass beads which emit different coloured lights. This must be like Blackpool illuminations when the flames start to flicker and the light passes through the glass beads. The log effect gas fire probably gives the more traditional look and feel while the dancing colours from the glass beads offer something very different. Which would you choose?