Once you have your stove installed and ready to burn wood you will then need to look at ways to store your wood to ensure you get the best efficiency out of your fuel and your stove. Many people automatically assume that any type of wood will burn on any stove but the reality is that the wood needs to be seasoned and dry to get the best out of your stove.

Log store

We have our very own log store in our back garden where we store our wood in a manner which ensures it remains dry. It is possible to purchase unseasoned wood which you can then store for anything up to 2 years to ensure that it dries but the vast majority of us do not have sufficient space or time. Whether you look towards two log stores, one for seasoned wood and one for unseasoned wood, is something you could consider as it has the potential to save money in the long term.

Why do you need to keep your wood dry?

In is vital that your wood remains dry because any moisture in the wood will have an impact upon the efficiency of your stove and in the long run it will cost you more money in fuel. The simple fact is that any moisture in your wood will reduce the heat created by your stove and could in some cases create a moisture within the stove which can have safety implications.

A build up of moisture within your stove and within your flue is not healthy and the very fact that no company has yet created a stove which can effectively burn damp wood says everything. In an efficient wood burning stove any vapours created when the wood is burnt will simply move up the stove, through the flue and into the atmosphere with no damage to your flue or your stove.

Which type of log store should I buy?

When we looked at log stores we found that there are an amazing variety of different products available which will basically suit any environment. There are very small log stores for those who use their stove intermittently while there are others which are enormous for those who perhaps use their stoves constantly. The variety of roofs, sidewalls and colour of log stores available will surprise you as it surprised us and while you get what you pay for, with many of the more expensive stores more efficient, the reality is there is something for every budget.

Remember, seasoned wood not unseasoned wood!

Do not fall into the same trap as us with regards to seasoned and unseasoned wood and do ensure that you check every delivery before you sign for it. Some companies will attempt to sell you unseasoned wood at the same cost as seasoned wood and the moisture within this type of wood could have a massive effect on the efficiency of your stove. Check each wood delivery with a moisture meter ensuring that the moisture reading is in a perfect world under 20% although it can be extended to 25%.