Getting your logs ready during the summer


As summer is approaching, now is the best time to get that wood pile stocked up and in perfect condition to burn at maximum efficiency. While you are thinking about using your perfected fire lighting skills for a scrumptious barbeque, keep in mind that you could still be enjoying the sun while preparing for the winter cold. We know what you are thinking, you don’t want to be thinking about winter so soon but believe me it will be worth it!

Warm Weather

As the warm weather is slowly appearing, you should maybe start to think about getting you wood together and letting it season in the sun. When it comes to winter you will be thankful that you have prepared early. Another bonus of doing this is that it avoids you having to pick wood and instantly burn it. Doing this means the stove has to use all its energy to evaporate the water before it even thinks about producing heat into your room. Also, the dryer the wood the less dirt it will leave on your glass.

Moisture Content

Once you have picked and cut your wood, the best things to do is place it all on a pallet and only cover the top. The breeze will then flow through the wood creating a better drying system for the wood. The longer you leave your wood like this, the more efficient it will be when you come to burn it.

Decrease in fuel usage

To be the most efficient, wood should have 20% or less moisture content which means that your stove doesn’t have to use any energy to evaporate the water, it can get straight into heating your room. To test the moisture in your wood, it may be an idea to invest in a moisture meter.

Read more here on how to maximise efficiency of your stove.