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Portway P1 Contemporary Multifuel Stove



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Product Description

A sleek, timeless stove manufactured with heavy duty, 5mm steel for an air tight burn and faster, but more efficient heat distribution for any room. This stove, the Portway P1 Contemporary is aesthetically pleasing, petite stove that has the option of burning wood or approved solid fuels.

If you would like to put your personal touch on this stove, you can customise yours with the different plinth options available, making your stove, one of a kind, specifically for your home.

As a whole, this stylish, free-standing stove comes with the option of having high legs fitted, approximately 300mm high, or low legs fitted, approximately 150mm high, allowing you to chose from 3 different options, so the decision is yours as to which height you would like the stove to sit at, depending on what look you are creating with the room. If you do decide to have the legs on the higher fitting, the space created underneath the stove can be used to store logs, creating a cosy, but functional finish.

With the most recent technology included within the manufacturing of this stove, to help with it's performance and efficiency this stove is the perfect additional for any small to medium sized room. This contemporary, petite built stove has a phenomenal heat output of 4.9Kw and an outstanding energy efficiency rating of 78.8%.

In addition to the above, this stove can burn logs up to 300mm, and can be installed in your home even if you live in a smoke controlled area. This particular stove benefits from a 10 year guarantee, and is fully compliant with the EcoDesign standards that came into place in 2022, to make the environment much more friendly, which involved producing highly efficient stoves, that offer clean burning with low emissions, all of which this stove has.

On this stove, the viewing window provides a perfect vision of the dancing, roaring flames, which is kept clear by a built-in active airwash system. Also, with an interchangeable, top or rear flue outlet, this stove provides versatility to any install, making it suitable for a number of different settings. With a slimline depth, the Portway P1 Contemporary Stove is a perfect product for recessing into chambers where depth can be limited.

The maintenance of this stove could not be made any simpler, with the large, easy to carry, installed ash-pan to hold all the unwanted remnants from your burning fuel.

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