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Portway Luxima Multifuel Stove




Product Description

This stove, the Luxima Multifuel Stove, is one of the most popular, best selling stoves within the Portway stove collection. Designed and manufactured thoughtfully, this stove has been produced with a steel body, but also has these eye-catching features incorporated, a modern moulded cast iron door, large viewing window encased within the design, and an attractive silver handle to add that finishing touch.

This classic, but contemporary looking stove has an output of 5Kw, but has the potential to range up to 7Kw, due to the amount of space available to load up with fuel.

Not only does this stove include the above features, it comes with a riddling grate and ash pan which allows you to burn smokeless fuel, on the odd occasion.

To put your mind at rest, this stove is compliant with all relevant regulations, including Eco Design 2022 and DEFRA, so is environmentally friendly to have installed within your home.

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