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Penman Bassington Multifuel Spare Parts

Product Ref Description Price Quantity
0830006 Penman Warm White 45 degree x 6 inch Bend No Door £204.00
0830005 Penman Warm White 45 degree x 5 inch Bend No Door £187.00
0830004 Penman Warm White 1000 x 6 inch Flue Pipe £190.00
0830003 Penman Warm White 1000 x 5 inch Flue Pipe £145.00
7990419 Penman Bassington Skirted Set of 4 Black Legs £147.00
2300047 Bassington Door & Glass Seal Kit £32.65
7990421 Penman Bassington Standard Set of 4 Black Legs £147.00
00002225 Firefox/Classic/Bassington/Avebury ECO Set of Glass Clips and Screws £21.00
0210225 Bassington/Vega Edge 200SL Secondary Airslide Bracket £17.65
0210260 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Baffle Plate £100.84
0210413 Penman Baffle Plate Bracket £28.95
0210384 Bassington WHITE Left Hand Side Casting £138.95
0210383 Bassington BLACK Left Hand Side Casting £68.95
0210386 Bassington WHITE Right Hand Side Casting £138.95
0210385 Bassington BLACK Right Hand Side Casting £68.95
0210340 Bassington SATIN CHROME Hinge Pin £6.10
0210236 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma BLACK Hinge Pin £3.35
0210351 Bassington/Avebury ECO BLACK Primary Airslide Knob £9.10
0210337 Bassington/Classic 8 ECO SATIN CHROME Primary Airslide Knob £13.85
0210250 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene Primary Airslide Plate £11.05
0210380 Bassington WHITE Base Casting £168.20
0210379 Bassington BLACK Base Casting £91.00
0210241 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Riddling Knob £11.05
0210328a Bassington BLACK/Firefox 8 ECO/Vega Edge 200SL/ Penman Scene/Penman Sigma/Classic 8 ECO Rear Casting 5 Inch £142.25
0210240 Bassington/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Heat Shield £38.60
0210382 Bassington CHROME Secondary Airslide Plate £24.85
0210352 Bassington BLACK/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO Secondary Airslide Plate £23.75
0210075a Bassington/Avebury ECO BLACK Flue Collar £23.75
0210333 Bassington WHITE Flue Collar £39.20
0210254 Bassington/Vega Edge 200SL Door Catch Assembly £16.55
0210336 Bassington Satin Chrome Door Handle Only £45.80
0210350 Bassington/Avebury ECO Black Door Handle Only £45.80
0210355 Bassington WHITE Door Casting and Front Panel £255.00
0210381 Bassington BLACK Door Casting and Front Panel £245.93
0210245 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Operating Tool £13.85
0210264 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Ashpan £31.45
0210074a Bassington/Avebury ECO Flue Blanking Plate £16.55
0210388 Bassington WHITE Top Casting £211.70
0210387 Bassington BLACK Top Casting £102.95
0210258 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Grate Frame £58.00
0210261 Bassington/Avebury/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Vega Edge 200 SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Side Brick £38.50
0210354 Bassington/Avebury/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Rear Brick £39.24
0210265 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Vega Edge 200SL/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Centre Riddling Grate £30.00
0210358 Bassington/Avebury ECO/Firefox 8 ECO/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Front Retainer Bar £30.30
G379305 Bassington/Classic 8 ECO/Penman Scene/Penman Sigma Replacement Glass £42.85