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Arada Holborn 7 Stove



Colour Option
Floor Fixing Kit
Kooler to Touch Handle Options
CO Alarm

Product Description

The Arada Holborn 7 Stove comes in multifuel form thereby increasing the potential range of fuel to use. As you can see, the stove is a traditional looking machine with a nominal 7 kW heat output (ranging between 1.5 kW and 10 kW) which is perfect for medium to large rooms. The fuel efficiency when burning wood is 78.2% which rises to 81.2% for the multifuel model. These are beautifully designed machines and despite the fact they have only just launched, there is already significant interest.

The dimensions of the Arada Holborn 7 Stove come in at height 650 mm, width 550 mm with a depth of 370 mm. The maximum log length is 400 mm and the 125 mm flue outlet can be utilised at the rear of the machine or on the top. The energy rating is A with these types of machines extremely efficient and already well ahead of the forthcoming regulatory curve. The multifuel kit is a welcome addition and one which surprised many people but in reality it was always going to happen. So, if you are searching for a 7 kW output machine we certainly recommend looking at the Arada Holborn 7 Stove.

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