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Dunsley Highlander 5 Enviroburn Multifuel Stove



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The Dunsley Highlander 5 Enviroburn Multi-Fuel / Wood Burning Stove are the latest in a long line of quality wood burning/multifuel stoves designed and built by Dunsley. As you can see from the images, the company has retained the traditional look yet included the latest in combustible technology and efficiency. We live in a world where environmental regulations are tightening, air pollution is under the microscope and stove companies are under extreme pressure to increase efficiency. Therefore, the ability to burn and reburn fuel within the stove not only increases the heat output but also maximises efficiency and reduces emissions. Just what the doctor ordered!

In years to come you will hear the words Ecodesign Ready mentioned time and time again, although there are still a couple of years before the regulations come into play. Therefore, it is important to note that the Dunsley Highlander 5 Enviroburn Multi-Fuel / Wood Burning Stove is already Ecodesign Ready and therefore abides by the latest environmental and efficiency regulations. Clean combustion is an essential element of new stove technology going forward and something which Dunsley have been very proactive with. DEFRA approved for use in smoke controlled areas, with a very strong airwash system for cleaner glass, and the ability to produce up to 5 kW of heat, it is no surprise that this stove has gone down well with consumers.

If you look at the technical aspects of the Dunsley Highlander 5 Enviroburn Multi-Fuel / Wood Burning Stove, you will see it has dimensions of width 425 mm, height 630 mm with a depth of 385 mm. The machine is 79.2% efficient although even with a steel body and cast-iron door it weighs in at a relatively light 80 kg. As seems to be the norm these days, there is the option of a top or rear flue fitting with a flue size of 125 mm (5 inches). Sometimes when you see a traditional stove design you suspect it will have traditional stove limitations. We are happy to confirm that the Dunsley Highlander 5 Enviroburn Multi-Fuel / Wood Burning Stove may have that traditional, well liked design, but below the surface it has the latest combustion technology, is highly efficient and much friendlier towards the environment. What more can you ask for?

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