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Broseley Vue Electric Stove




Product Description

When is an electric stove not an electric stove? Well, visually when it is the award-winning Broseley Vue Electric Stove. If there was ever a more stylish eye-catching electric stove, we have yet to see it. Compare and contrast this to the old three bar electric fires of years gone by, they are not only in different eras but different worlds. This is a stunning freestanding electric fire/electric stove built from steel with a glass top and extended viewing areas on all sides. It is difficult to know where to start with this one, it literally has everything!

The stove fire has easy-to-use touch controls, the latest LED technology to create an ultra-realistic flame effect and glowing log bed. The matt black finish is akin to a modern wood-burning/multifuel stove with the 180 degree viewing area, well, simply stunning. The heat output is between 0.9 kW and 1.8 kW which is more than enough to take the chill off any room. However, for many people electric stoves revolve around the atmosphere and the ambience they create. The flickering flames with the burning embers, so realistic, the glow, relaxing, and this machine comes at three optional heights. We also have to say that the seven day programmable remote control is a godsend.

The Broseley Vue Electric Stove is a low energy consumption, high quality, modern design stove with a unique look. The dimensions are width 450 mm with height options of 704 mm, 931 mm and 1035 mm and a depth of 404 mm. This machine is dominated by the glass panelling which looks extremely stylish. It weighs in at just 30 kg and the thermostat remote control gives you literary, total control. We live in a world where wood-burning/multifuel stove regulations are being tightened each month. Obviously, these do not cover electric stoves that simply need a plug and you're good to go. It is difficult to find any faults or even near faults with the Broseley Vue Electric Stove. If you are looking for an electric fire/electric stove we certainly recommend the Broseley Vue Electric Stove.

Remote Control Included

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