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Broseley Ora 5 Electric Stove




Product Description

Yes, it may take a double take but the above image is that of a Broseley Ora 5 Electric Stove. We haven't mixed up wood-burning or multifuel stoves, this is the latest in electric stove technology. Often referred to as "electric fires" this is a term which for many people will prompt thoughts of the three bar electric fire of yesteryear. It was highly inefficient, sometimes dangerous which is why those electric fires of years gone by have been resigned to the dustbin. There is no point in comparing and contrasting the old-style electric fires with new style electric stoves. The Broseley Ora 5 Electric Stove offers the latest in electric heating technology and the design, well that speaks for itself.

As seems to be the norm, the heat output from the Broseley Ora 5 Electric Stove is 2 kW. This is more than enough to take the chill off a small to medium sized room. However, for many it is the ultra-realistic burning flames and the log bed effect which makes the difference. The panoramic window allows you to watch the flickering flames and burning embers. You can feel the heat, you can feel the ambience and you can feel the relaxing atmosphere. The design is identical to award-winning wood-burning/multifuel stoves with a steel body and cast-iron door. Thermostatic controls allow you to manage the flames and there is a seven day programmable remote control. What more can you ask for?

The dimensions of the Broseley Ora 5 Electric Stove come in at width 453 mm, height 604 mm with a depth of 377 mm. The flexibility which comes with a Broseley Ora 5 Electric Stove is there for all to see. Simply find a plug, plug it in and away you go. As a consequence, you should be able to place your electric fire in parts of your room not suitable for traditional wood-burning/multifuel stoves. In the past, many people were concerned about the look and feel of an electric stove. However, as we mentioned above, many electric stoves now have the same design look/components as wood-burning/multifuel stoves, and they are made of steel and cast-iron. We certainly recommend checking out the Broseley Ora 5 Electric Stove.

Remote Control Included

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