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Arada Hoxton Woodburning Stove



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Product Description

It is safe to say that the Arada Hoxton Stove is not your stereotypical woodburning stove design. A quick look at the Arada Hoxton Stove will highlight the cylindrical base with a much larger than normal glass viewing area. This is one of a number of Arada stoves which have veered away from the traditional style but are proving exceptionally popular. For many people the extended viewing area of the Arada Hoxton Stove is what makes it stand out. You can enjoy the flickering flames and the burning embers from all corners of your room. So what else does the Arada Hoxton stove have to offer?

If we look at the regulatory side of the Arada Hoxton Stove you will be pleased to know that it already abides by not only the Ecodesign Ready standards but is also ClearSkies approved. If you follow the news, you will likely be aware that woodburning and multifuel stoves have come under focus of late. There are concerns with regards to emissions but thankfully the Arada Hoxton 7 Stove is extremely efficient. The efficiency rating is a very impressive 78.6% with a 7 kW heat output - which is more than enough to heat a medium to large sized room. In this new era of regulations many people seem to forget DEFRA - well the Arada Hoxton Stove is also DEFRA exempt which means it can be used in smoke control areas. Perfect!

The technical specifications of the Arada Hoxton Stove are as follows, height 771 mm, width 545 mm with a depth of 425 mm. The Arada Hoxton Stove comes with a lifetime guarantee on the stove body and incorporates an optional top or rear 5 inch flue outlet. The front curved door is extremely safe with a secure locking mechanism. This ensures that spent fuel will not escape and also protects you from the heat. As we mentioned above, the Arada Hoxton Stove is best described as contemporary in design but also incorporating the latest in fuel burning technology. The ability to maximise heat output while minimising emissions has not gone unnoticed by consumers.

If you are looking for something a little different in design, but incorporating the latest fuel burn technology, you must have a look at the Arada Hoxton 7 Stove

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