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Arada Ellere EL100R Electric Fire




Product Description

It is no surprise to learn that we have seen a significant increase in the popularity of electric fires in recent years. Many people still have the image of the old three bar electric fire in their minds when they could not be further from the truth. The modern day electric fire is like night and day compared to those very basic models of years gone by. Indeed, comparing a modern day electric fire to one from just five or six years ago will show how much technology has been developed and enhanced. So, what does the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R have to offer?

As you can see from the images, the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R is a contemporary electric fire which is at home in many different environments. While the heat output from the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R a modest 1.4 kW to 1.6 kW, it is the overall effect which will warm your room. The basic dimensions are 1000 mm x 400 mm with one-sided, two-sided and three-sided built-in fitting options. So, whether you are using the basic one-sided option, or additional viewing areas for corner locations, it is safe to say the image is breathtaking. Aside from the heat output, there is an LED powered flame and fuel bed effect which has a staggering 144 potential variations. You can vary the colour and the brightness of the LEDs to give the effect of your choice. Staggering!

You will be pleased to learn that the radio frequency remote control means that you do not have to be in the line of sight to program the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R. Using the remote control you can adjust the heating setting, thermostatic control and even program the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R to come on at a specific time. This means that you can have the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R up and running as you walk in the door. The numerous LEDs, controlled by the remote, perfectly complemented the clear crystal mix and vermiculite/ceramic logs. This is the log effect that many people will talk of. It is not until you get extremely close to the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R but you realise they are not actually real logs.

It is safe to say that many will be surprised at the design and the capabilities of the modern day electric fire. The numerous LEDs, different colours and log effect literally take your breath away. Yes, the Arada Ellere Electric Fire EL100R is something that you need to see for yourself.

Ultra efficient electric fire available in four sizes.

Comes as standard with RF remote control allowing for separate control of flame and fuel-bed, timer, brightness and colour controls.

LED powered, so no maintenance required. Front access panel for component replacement or repairs.

Four fitting layouts in one box - single sided, double sided (open right or left) and triple sided.

Dimensions: 1000 x 350mm

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