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ACR Woodpecker WP5Q-LS Mutlifuel Stove - 5kw



Outside Airkit

Product Description

This stove, the ACR Woodpecker WP5Q-LS, is both a Wood-burning and Multi-fuel stove that would be the perfect addition to your home, complimenting any room. This freestanding stove includes a log store making it not just aesthetically pleasing, but practical as well, allowing you to store fuel underneath. It's additional height gives you the option to have this stove installed comfortably onto a 12mm hearth without having to carry out any additional building work.

Designed and manufactured from an amalgamation of Steel and Cast Iron, this stove, the Woodpecker WP5Q-LS has a timely warm-up period, and outstanding heat retention. With a sizable firebox, this stove can accommodate logs up to 400mm in length, generating those roaring, dancing flames, which make the perfect ambience for those cosy, autumnal & winter nights. As well as all this, the large viewing window, and built-in clean airwash system means you can enjoy the view without having to worry about an unclear, sooty viewing glass.

In addition to all of the above, the Woodpecker WP5Q-LS is Eco-Design compliant and DEFRA approved, meaning it can be fitted and used within any smoke-controlled area, without the worry of causing any form of pollution, when burning seasoned wood or certified solid fuel. This stove has an exceptional 82.5% efficiency rating, so not only is it environmentally friendly, but cost effective too.

So if you have been wondering which stove to choose for you home.....then look no further than this, Woodpecker WP5Q-LS, because you are not only getting a reliable and efficient stove, but you are contributing to a healthier, greener, friendlier planet. With it's contemporary, but traditional look, and cutting-edge technology built-in, this stove would 100% be the perfect focal point for any room.

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